Users & Permissions
Utilize roles to assign different permissions to your users
Suptask offers a number of roles to help you manage and delegate different features across the ticketing system.
Agents and Inboxes
Only Agents that are added to an Inbox can access the tickets that have been submitted or moved to that Inbox.
This enables you to set up Inboxes for different teams, where only the Agents in each team will have access to the tickets within their Inbox.
Overview of permissions
Account-wide statistics on the Dashboard
View statistics of the assigned Inboxes from the Dashboard
Access to tickets in the assigned Inboxes
Manage and respond to tickets in the assigned Inboxes
Manage Inboxes & Forms
Account Settings
Subscription & Billing
Submit and view their own tickets
How to add and remove an Agent
All invited users in the connected Responder channel of an Inbox are automatically promoted to an Agent.
Adding a new Agent:
Invite the user to be a member of the Responder channel in Slack.
You can type this in this in the Slack channel: /invite @Adam
Removing an Agent
Remove the user as a member from the Responder channel in Slack.
You can type this in this in the Slack channel: /remove @Adam
There is a 6 hour grace period before the Agent will be added to your subscription and billed for,
How to manage Inboxes and Forms
Users who should have access to create and manage Inboxes and Forms will need to have the Suptask Admin role assigned.
With the Suptask Admin role assigned, users will have access to the Inboxes page, where they can overview all the Inboxes that they have access to, as well as creating new Inboxes.
Suptask Admin do not get automatic access to all Inboxes. The user need to be an Agent of the particular Inbox to have access to it.
How to add a Billing Admin
You can have specific users as billing admins, allowing them to manage the Subscription & Billing, including receiving the receipts.
Either ask the billing contact to login to the Suptask Web App. After they have logged in, proceed to promote their user to the Billing Admin role. Alternatively you can proceed with your own user through the checkout, and then change the billing contact person after the payment has been completed. This will be available on the receipt sent back to your email, where the billing contact and VAT can be updated.
Last updated
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