Explanation of Slack permissions scopes

What and how permissions scopes are used for Suptask
Written by Sara
Updated 10 months ago

Suptask is making use of different permissions within your Slack workspace in order to provide its functionality. Slack have standardized the permissions an application like Suptask can make use of. Therefor it is Slack itself who explains and summarizes the permissions that are asked for when your user is being authorized.

Suptask have been built with data privacy in mind from the very start where the minimum amount of permissions are being utilized to function properly. This ensures that the least amount of data and information is shared with Suptask.

Suptask uses messages and message threads inside of channels to support its unique ticketing system. It can only access the messages in a channel where the Suptask App is invited to explicitly.  

Here is a summary of the common permissions that Suptask requests and what it is used for. 

  • Basic information about channels - Used to list channels and present channel names when configuring a Ticket Form.
  • Basic information about users in the channel(s) - Name and ID of the users in the channels where Suptask App is invited to. 
  • Message access - Read messages that are sent in as tickets to Suptask in the channel(s) where the Suptask App is invited to. 
  • Send messages - Send messages to users that are using Suptask. 
  • Shortcut & Workflows - Enable shortcuts to create tickets from messages and have Suptask available in the Slack Workflow builder.

Extended permissions is optional to receive more information for Private tickets via Direct Messages..

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