What are ticket Forms and Fields

How Ticket Forms and Fields are used within Suptask
Written by Sara
Updated 3 months ago

Ticket Forms and Fields will help you to define what information and data that you and your team of Agents need from the users who submits tickets, in order to remediate and provide a solution for the tickets. 

Ticket Forms contains the following main properties that builds up the form. 

  • Name - The name which of the form that will be displayed to your users
  • Type - Enabled for Private or Collaboration ticketing 
  • Hidden - Optionally do not display this to users.
  • Agent Responder channel - The channel where responding Agents  will work together to remediate the submitted ticket.
  • Ticket Fields - The different fields for the form including the order of them
  • Collaboration channels - Only required for Collaboration enabled forms. One or multiple channels where the submitted ticket is shared with other users. 

Ticket Fields

A Ticket Form consists of several Ticket Fields. Each field defines what kind of data it should accept from the user. This enables you to have your users enter certain information in specific fields. 

The default Ticket Fields are always present for an Agent while just a set of them are visible for the user who submitted the ticket or have access to the submitted ticket in a Collaboration channel. Default fields can not be deleted.

Default fields:

  • Assignee (Responder) - Who is assigned and responsible for the ticket
  • Status (Responder) - Status of the ticket (Open, In progress, Closed)
  • Priority (Responder) - Internal Responder priority for the ticket (Critical to Low)
  • Description (Requester & Responder) - Contains the main description of the ticket
  • Organization (optional) - Which department or customer organization this ticket is related to. This is a multi-purpose field which is also available in ticket overviews and statistics such as the Dashboard.

Example of custom fields that you can create:

  • Single-line text - User can write any kind of information such as a customer name or a date
  • Multi-line text - User can write a lot of information on multiple lines such as a longer message or log data 
  • Single-selection list - User can select a single option from a list. You define what options a user can pick from. 
  • Multi-selection list - User can select multiple options from a list. You define what options a user can pick from.
  • Single Slack user - Select a single user from your Slack workspace
  • Multi Slack user - Select a multiple users from your Slack workspace

Field names

The name you give the Ticket Field will be displayed to users when they see the field inside of a form.

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