Every Inbox created after 1 August 2024 can share the Responder channel across multiple Inboxes. This also allows you to also set a display name that can be visible for your users when submitting a ticket in Slack.
To edit the display name or delete an inbox, head over to Inboxes where you can access these options for each inbox.
Migrating from a legacy inbox
Only inboxes created after August 1, 2024, have support for updates, such as editing the display name. We recommend you to set up a new inbox in order to get access to this feature.
Best practices of migrating to new inboxes:
- Set up a new inbox which will automatically be created as the next generation inbox version.
- Open your legacy inbox and assign each connected form to the new inbox. Use the "Assign form to inbox" property for that.
- Your new inbox is now ready with your current forms.